3 Quick Workouts to Keep You Fit on the go
Travel plans can demolish workout momentum. As the summer is wrapping up, many F+F clients have been getting in their last trips before school starts. As well, many of us have work schedules that make it nearly impossible to train some days. Still, this should be no one’s excuse to skip a workout. Even a couple minutes of intense breathing and sweating can be a potent stimulus, and powerful enough to maintain your hard-earned fitness.
Here are 3 workouts (plus a bonus workout at the end!) you can try if you’re in a hotel room, or simply don’t have time for a full workout.
3 rounds of:
1 minute of air squats
1 minute of push ups
1 minute of mountain climbers
1 minute of plank jacks
1 minute of rest
Set a running clock and get to work! Scale the push ups however needed. Push ups from the knees are nothing to be ashamed of. Do what you can.
30 bicycle crunches
9 glute bridges
18 jumping lunges
rest 2 minutes, and repeat
AMRAP stands for As Many Rounds As Possible. Set your clock for 6 minutes and work as fast as you can.
Burpees (:20 on, :10 off - for 4 minutes)
Air squats (:20 on, :10 off - for 4 minutes)
Lateral jumps over an object (:20 on, :10 off - for 4 minutes)
These are all tabatas: a training domain that is structured as follows: 20 seconds of intense work, followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated for 4 minutes. The triplet above will account for 12 minutes of work. Don’t waste it!
Bonus workout)
This one is nasty, so I saved it for last. I’ve done this one a handful of times when I’ve been stuck at the airport and I have no other option but to find an empty terminal and get to work. Set a clock for 5 minutes and accumulate as many burpees as possible. Sustain your effort and try to get over 100. Good luck!