Fitting in Fitness

In today’s fast-paced world, finding the elusive work-life balance while staying fit can seem like an insurmountable challenge. With demanding jobs, family commitments, and social obligations, it often feels like there’s barely enough time to catch your breath, let alone fit in a workout. However, with strategic planning and mindful adjustments, you can achieve a satisfying balance that prioritizes fitness.

  • Embrace the Power of Planning

The foundation of work-life balance starts with effective planning. Begin by mapping out your week in advance. Identify your non-negotiables: work, family, maybe the car repair you’ve been putting off for a month. Then, fit in your workouts where you can. If getting to the gym is too hard to accomplish, consider hiring a trainer to come to your house. Form and Function can alleviate some time-management stress by bringing the workout to you.

  • Opt for Efficient Workouts

For the CEO, the mother of four, and the sleep-deprived college student, time is a precious commodity. Workouts that deliver maximum benefits in minimal time are essential. Skip the 60-minute treadmill sessions and focus on high-intensity, efficient training. A skilled trainer can design workouts that address multiple fitness goals simultaneously. If training alone, stack compound movements and work with intensity for 8-15 minutes. An 8-minute workout, when performed properly, will not leave you shortchanged.

  • Include Family and Friends

Fitness doesn’t have to be a solitary endeavor. Even when working with a trainer - a spouse, sibling, or even a friend can join in the fun. This has the not-insignificant benefit of keeping training enjoyable. If you can laugh while sweating, you’re doing something right. High five push ups with a friend are easier than push ups performed alone - trust us on this one.

  • Have a Back-up Plan

Life is unpredictable, and sometimes your workouts need to change on the fly. A shoulder injury, a stiff neck, and a myriad of other problems may prevent you from completing the workout you had planned. Pivot, and do something within your capabilities now. Even some stretching is better than skipping the gym. To see real progress you need to stay consistent and build the habit of prioritizing gym time. Your body needs to stay flexible, as does your attitude toward training. Continue to adapt to the body’s ever-changing needs. This skill will serve you well in life.

Many people who have a hard time staying consistent in the gym find immense benefit in hiring a personal trainer to aid in accountability. If fitness is a priority to you, don’t be afraid to outsource to a professional who will ensure you stay on track.


3 Quick Workouts to Keep You Fit on the go


Client Spotlight: Alicia